A set of red gates on a trail overlooking a city view.

Rankings l Trip Planner

A red temple peeking out of a lush forest of green trees.
Kiyomizu-dera Temple in Kyoto. (Photo by my sister, Kat.)

✈ī¸ Planning

A Japanese street with traditional buildings.
A quiet alley in Kyoto. (Photo by my friend, Nami Sumida.)

🗓ī¸ Itinerary

A woman holding chopsticks with little plates of foot in front of her.
Enjoying a kaiseki at a ryokan.

💰 Budget

A fox statue with a red bib carrying a scroll in its mouth.
Fox at Fushimi Inari

đŸĨĸ Etiquette

A view of an empty temple surrounded by trees.
Kousanji Temple on the Shimanami Kaido

☀ī¸ September Guide

A couple standing in front of a wall with colorful barrels with Japanese writings.
Meiji Jingu sake barrels during the winter.

❄ī¸ December Guide

🏆 Experience Rankings

Here are my ranked experiences for Japan. Learn how I rate experiences.

ExperienceLocationOverall Rating
1👘 RyokanKyoto8.3
2🌋 Mt. Fuji Sunrise HikeYamanashi7.6
3⛩ī¸ Fushimi Inari TaishaKyoto7.5
4🚲 Shimanami Kaido CyclingHiroshima7.5
5đŸŖ Nishiki MarketKyoto7.4
6🎋 Arashiyama ParkKyoto7.3
7🕹ī¸ AkihabaraTokyo6.8
8🌱 Shinjuku Gyoen National GardenTokyo6.7
9đŸŖ Kuromon Ichiba MarketOsaka6.6
10🐠 Osaka Aquarium KaiyukanOsaka6.5
11🏮 AsakusaTokyo6.2
12🚂 Sagano Romantic TrainKyoto6.1
13🛍ī¸ Ginza ShoppingTokyo6.0
14đŸšļđŸģ‍♀ī¸ Philosopher’s PathKyoto5.9
15đŸšĻ Shibuya ScrambleTokyo5.8
Learn how Lukiih’s Rating is calculated here

🗓ī¸ 2025 Trip Planner

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